[Damage report from volley and npcs] As the beast sought to kick and smack the bothersome swordwoman off it's body, the stings of the muscle toxins initially barely felt as they slowly but surely spread through it's bloodstream, it halted and widened it's functioning eye at the line of flintlock barrels aimed at it. Flashing, painful memories of a hail of gunfire from a drunken mob of sailors hit it's mind, and it remembered well not to make the same mistake. Snarling, it turned it's back to them and ducked to the side with great speed. Several bags of lead balls missed, but three shots hit it right in the center of it's upperback. Most simply crushed it's scales inward, bursting it's armor through it's own flesh. Those that made it in bounced off it's bones on impact, but three lucky little balls ricocheted right into it's right lungs, causing laboring breaths. It screamed in agony, blind fury filling it's mind in renewed waves, and it recovered fast, right as the rest of soldiers and sellswords fell upon it. Two soldiers let out a warcry and thrust their spears into it's stomach, but the second hand spearheads merely bounced off and broke, the men crying out in panic as the monster cleaved their torsos off in one swipe. It brushed off the strike of another, grabbing the woman by her breast plate and slamming her into three other soldiers, crushing the bones of all, legs and arms twisted like broken branches in a groaning heap. It felt the petty stone throws of the screaming brigands, letting out another great, ear splitting roar and charging at them as they grasped their bleeding ears, a maw of razor teeth crushing the leather and bone of a poor man.