[quote=@JBRam2002] Obviously you guys probably don't care about others' feelings. However, this is the sort of thread that is only intended to ruin someone else's day. You don't have to agree with them, or even like what they do. But to go to this extent to call someone out is petty, rude, and frankly, an embarrassment. You guys are in an echo chamber teeheeing at each other and not understanding that what you're doing is not only an affront to the welcoming nature of the site, but also deters people from posting and having fun. If you don't agree with something that people do, post in the locations where those sorts of sentiments are supposed to go. Don't make a petty thread about it that is intended for those people to see. Don't be an ass. I'm not entirely sure why that is so hard to understand. [/quote] [img]https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.151610981.9466/flat,800x800,075,t.jpg[/img] Seriously? I think the only person's day this thread has ruined is yours in all honesty.