Roxas watched as Ophelia followed Jax into the bathroom. He knew what was going on in there and wanted no part in it. He was not looking forward to what was coming next. Especially since Morthos was with another woman and Jax was drunk as hell. [color=0054a6]'Think is why I don't get drunk.'[/color] Roxas muttered to himself and immediately started thinking of where everyone was going to stay tonight. After a few minutes of waiting Jax and Ophilea came back out of the bathroom. Jax looked like hell. The moment she looked over at Morthos, Jax ran over and body checked the poor girl. It all happened so fast the girl went down and Jax got up and bolted outside then Morthos followed. [color=0054a6]'I knew this was going to happen. What a bright idea guys. Getthe two people who obvliosly love each other drunk then stick the man to another woman. Classic.'[/color] Roxas was getting annoyed now and figured he'd give the two of them a few minutes before he went out there and dragged them both back home. Once Morthos was gone out the door, he walked over to the poor girl. [color=0054a6]"I'm sorry for Jax. I don't know why I'm apologizing for her since she brought this on herself, but there you have it."[/color] After a quick smile he headed over to Ophelia. [color=0054a6]"Are you okay? Don't worry about Jax I'll take care of both of them. If you are able just meet me at my house I'll take them both there, if not I'll come back in and get you and we'll all go. I have enough crap in my medicine cabinet to bring an angel back to life."[/color] he quickly gave her a kiss then followed after Jax and Morthos.