[img]https://dfep0xlbws1ys.cloudfront.net/thumbsc2/b6/c2b63ce46ae7751ff417036aaa6739c2.jpg?response-cache-control=max-age=2628000[/img] Name: Galina Portov. "Gal" Sex: Female. Flame: Lightning Age: 18 Strengths: Technological genius, well-versed in coding language, educational mind, logical problem solver. Weaknesses: Physically weak, socially inept, extremely unhealthy dietary habits, weak eyes. Personality: Gal is an extremely laid-back young girl who's poured her heard and soul into writing codes in multiple different languages for different clients. She's often muttering problems and solutions under her breath as she works through a particularly hard entry, or counting simple figures on her fingers. Gal, when in social situations, is uneven with her words and often stutters, displaying nervousness and fear of strangers. Despite this set-back, she is extremely lax once she becomes familiar with a person. She'll forgive transgressions in mere seconds and simply shrugs off any off-handed remarks. She dislikes the feeling of anger and hopes to avoid it at all costs. She is, however, unused to compliments and will often become so flustered that speaking is impossible. Backstory: Galina grew up around technology, as her parents both worked in robotic engineering fields with complex, advanced tech. Because of this, Galina began learning coding at a young age. At a young age, however, Galina's interests diverged from robotics to gaming when she played her first digital video game. She was so enamored with it she decided she wanted to be part of creating something. Since middle school, she began working on computer programming and mathematics, leveling up her skill on every programming software her parents could afford just to get closer and closer to her dream. Unfortunately, at age 14 her mother died in a car crash while on her way to a presentation. Despite feeling immeasurable grief with his wife's loss, Galina's father continued his work with robotics, but gave less and less attention to Galina at first. Faced with a spotty relationship with her father and the loss of a mother, Galina poured herself into her studies and work, becoming so obsessed with distracting herself form reality she neglected her own health, often going days without showering and eating very little. This lasted three years before her father approached her with intentions to mend the damage done. He supported his daughter while pushing her to heal the damage she done to her own body. Eventually, Galina went through recovery, and now has a stable but still shaky relationship with her remaining parent. During her junior year, others took notice of her abilities and asked for website or programs to be made for the right price. Galina has created a network of clients, a healthy supply and demand that supports her as she heads towards college. She is known throughout the study body as "Gal", despite no one truly being close friends with her, and harbors a healthy reputation of being a formidable coder. Pre-Box Animal fighting style if any: None. Description if you want: Sorry if this isn't active anymore :< I just really enjoyed this anime back in the day, and had the urge for nostalgia. :>