[@Luna Amore] It was over...for now. Despite being as far away from the chaos as possible, Mei continued to push the raw power of her Ferarri down the highway, but finally she could relax. With a weary sigh, she reached over to the dial on the car's CD player. Perchance some music would help her cool down. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY So much had happened, and all of it happened in such a short span of time. Four of her coven, four of her dearest friends, mercilessly slain, and now the UNHC was on her tail. As if this couldn't get any more fucked up than it had been. To make matters worse, she ended up getting a human involved in this debacle. With one hand on the steering wheel, she looked out of the corner of her eye to her passenger. Celeste, Mei had to wonder now what was running through the mortal's mind. Was she still in awe of the Ferarri? Or was she just terrified out of her mind. Part of the reason Mei put on some music simply...was to get rid of the annoying silence. "You must have alot of questions, correct? I would figure." Mei whispered. "I'll answer them. For starters, yes, I am a vampire, and so is Nero. I lead a coven called the Erzebets, and for years, we've been at war with another coven for control of the city, the Malkavians. It's been a long stand down between us, but ever since these murders....I feel like we'll be tearing each other apart...real soon. Anyways, I'm taking you to my home. You can rest there, but tomorrow, I'm taking you back to wherever it is you live. You will forget about everything you have witnessed this night, including...what I am. Do you understand?" [@Kaesus][@WelcmeToGudBrgr] It was over... Thank fuck, Nero thought as the smoke cleared and the dust and flames settled. Bodies littered the scene of combat and carnage, blood and sinew strewn about what was once an elegant and lovely ballroom...now the grim facade of unholy warfare. Nero collapsed in a chair, one of them that at least survived the bloody fray, with a sigh and fished from his jacket a crumpled cigarillo, lighting it, then taking a drag. [color=ed1c24]"Well...this sure was a lovely party."[/color] A dry quip before turning to the man who, more or less, saved his life. [color=ed1c24]"Don't know who you are or what you did, but thanks. At least you got rid of the bastards."[/color] And of course, Nero couldn't forget a familiar face. [color=ed1c24]"Victor Frankenstein."[/color] He uttered the name with a spit of venom. [color=ed1c24]"Tell me, how long has it been since your goddamn abomination helped Vlad destroy Lady Bathory's castle? You know I don't have any business with anyone who associates with the Malkavian Coven, so why show up here?"[/color]