[hr][hr][center][h2][b][i][color=b8860b]Keystone[/color][/i][/b][/h2][/center] [b][center][color=b8860b]Location:[/color] Deymins Tower [/center][/b][b][center][color=b8860b]Interacting With:[/color] His own observations [/center][/b][hr][hr] Multiple suits of armor advancing in a hostile manner quickly became multiple suits of armor laying motionless on the ground, steadily leaking dark, fetid fluid onto the tower's flooring. It was easy. Way too easy for his liking. One remained active, presently in a melee with the group's newest member, a knife-wielding Dwarf. Keystone respected a solid knife fighter; someone with his sort of underclass background had to learn a little something about short, stabbing implements. The man himself was more of an unarmed specialist, obviously, but he did get a decent, informal education in the subtle arts of "push in, pull out, repeat 'til dead". He even became a proficient hurler of most things sharp and pointy to round out his options in a fight. A split second of consideration had him weighing the possibility of sprinting down that way to engage with fisticuffs, though that would have taken time and there were already three people in potential smacking distance. Of course, he could have pulled his big seax, a perfectly balanced and lightly ensorceled blade, and hurled it mightily into the fray. Buuuut... while respectable with a hurled knife, he was not masterful enough to guarantee that he wouldn't perforate Nor in the process. Not a good enough balance on the risk/reward scale for his comfort. With the presence of three people around the single opponent, he figured it was handled. Keystone did note that there were two down around Sana, who was fairly close by. He had grown a little protective of her as of late, and if these creatures littering her area were undead, he wanted to make sure that they were truly down. The undead, or just as likely, the persons animating and controlling them, were a tricky lot. It wouldn't be the first time one had sprung up from seeming incapacitation. Instead of cluttering up the fray closer toward the exterior door, the massive pugilist made his way over to Sana, intentions of guard doggery in mind. [color=b8860b]"Oi, you proper?"[/color]