[i]The evening was starting to get a little darker, and Reia was still making her way home. She had picked a [url=http://www3.dmagazine.com/media/events/highForest_big.jpg]house[/url] on the outskirts of the town on purpose, though she had a bit of neighbors, it wasn't like they were in her immediate space, which was nice. And the stream added a gorgeous touch to the scene. There was a small little bridge leading from one side of the stream to the other, and she often just stood there watching the water. As she walked she stopped for a moment to readjust the bags in her arms, and stopped humming for a few moments. She could feel another person close by, and turned in a complete circle to try and find the source. It was him again! Reia wondered what he was doing outside again, noticing he was leaving a windmill. He must live there, she thought. She really loved the touch they gave the little town. She couldn't raise an arm to wave at him though, and instead just watched for a few moments from behind the grocery bags. She was close to home, and her arms were beginning to hurt from holding them out for so long. [/i]