[@Flightless_Soul],[@Gentlemanvaultboy] [img]http://www.arcade-fighter.com/images/retratos/under-night-in-birth-exe-late/uniel-hilda.png[/img] [color=gray][h1][b]HILDA WRIGHT[/b][/h1][/color][h3]Lady of the Void[/h3] [b]Hilda:[/b] [i]Hilda's smile slowly went away, now replaced with a scowel. The knight beside her unsheithed his sword, but she held up a hand, telling the knight to stop.[/i] [color=gold]"I'm guessing that your parents never taught you manners... That was a bit rude, but I'll ignore it for now..."[/color] [i]The knight sheithed his blade again, still staring at the vamp. The woman sighed, letting go of the Vampire's attitude and returning to her normal self.[/i] [color=gold]"Now... Let's try this again... I am Hilda Wright. Who may you be?"[/color]