#drunk, not gonna change or edit this) IUt did not take long for the medical transport to arrive, on short notice Marlin was loaded on to the transport cehicle along with all parties involved. During the trip to the hospital where Marlin and Livid would be treated, he had dreams of his past. During his younger years where he was fully cpaapble of performing at his upmost peak capacity. He took on contracts to protect both the city and nearby villlages of Vacuo. Of course at his current age his abilities did not match from wehn he was younger. Though back then he was more of an uncantained self rather than someone of brains. During one of his missions he came across a man that would once be called his best friedn. This man and Marlin fought side by side as they were both hired by the same person to complete the same mission how ever they did not know of each othters incolvement. Marlin figured it was more of a test of strength and skill rather than just a second hire for the job. His brain continued the thoughts of such a long lost companion. THough upon arrival his body was immediately hooked up to machines to moniter his recovery. With his aura pretty much drained from his body from the attack of breaking the sound barrier, his healing would progress at the standard rate of any ordinary human.