[b]11:15am Central Market of Izayoi Village[/b] Theodore Weber felt the heat of the early sun on his back, sweat sliding down his bare skin. He pulled his hammer back and struck forward, the nail giving a solid ‘thunk’ as it was properly embedded into the wood. He let the hammer slide into his belt, it had been getting steadily heavier as the afternoon approached. He looked down, standing steadily on top of a ladder. Piles of scrap wood were being sorted by one of the local villagers and a few of the younger boy’s in the village were helping to lift wood and shingles up to some of the others helping to rebuild the crumbling building. The village had been working to rebuild it for some time now, since before he had come to refuge at the village. [color=ed1c24]“Theo! You okay up there? Come down and get a drink!”[/color] an older man called to him. Theo nodded and started down the wooden ladder, careful not to slide and get splinters in his fingers. He hit the dusty ground with a ‘thump’ and the jerk caused some sweat to slip onto his eyelashes. He lifted a hand and did his best to wipe it off, but only smeared more sweat onto his face. Theo turned and approached the man who had called him down, smiling gratefully as the dark-skinned man handed him a green canteen. He swung the opening into his mouth, greedily drinking the cool liquid. [color=ed1c24]“Hey now, leave some for the rest,”[/color] the man chuckled. Theo let the canteen fall from his chapped lips and handed it back with a cheeky grin. [color=ed1c24]“Thanks for the water, Hache.” [/color] [color=ed1c24]“It’s not a problem. Water isn’t thank you enough for how much help you have been in the reconstruction.” [/color]Hache smiled, the wrinkles deepening in the corners of his eyes. [color=ed1c24]“It’s a good workout and with the way things are, it's the least I can do to help.” [/color]Theo waved a dismissive hand and walked over to a pile of tools that were littered and piled into a makeshift workbench. He grabbed a rag and used it to soak up a bit of the sweat gathering on his brow. Despite the rain that had littered the village the night before, the sun was unbearably hot. Such unstable weather was not uncommon, Theo simply accepted it. He glanced out at the horizon seeing some scattered clouds and the shadowed droop of rain near the outskirts of the village. He turned his attention away as he heard footsteps approaching behind him. [color=ed1c24]“Weber-Sama!”[/color] A young boy stood before him- Theo was about to smile but the urgent look on his face kept friendly gestures at bay. [color=ed1c24]“What is it?” [/color] [color=ed1c24]“You are summoned by Kiwami-Sama to meet in the townhouse,”[/color] the boy nervously scrubbed at a patch of dirt sticking to the corner of his mouth. [color=ed1c24]“Alright, let me finish up here and I’ll be on my way,”[/color] Theodore responded as he turned away. [color=ed1c24]“It’s an urgent matter, please go at once,”[/color] the boy insisted. Theodore’s brow furrowed and he gave a terse nod. The boy turned and started walking away, on whatever business he planned to do next. Theodore went back to the work bench, pulling his simple white t-shirt from where it was hanging on a scrap piece of wood and pulled it over his body. He would have liked to shower and clean up before meeting the Elder, but duty was calling. [color=ed1c24]“Hatche,” [/color]Theo called, the dark skinned man turned to him- he had been giving another man some of the canteen water. [color=ed1c24]“I’ve been summoned so I’ll be leaving for today.”[/color] He said, Hatche smiled and nodded, [color=ed1c24]“Please take care!”[/color] Theodore turned on his heel and straightened his shoulders. He quickly made his way through the village. Despite the heat people were bustling about on work or business, though an overall tone of dread hung over citizens. He quickened his pace and quickly reached the large townhouse, entering he was immediately ushered to the Elder’s room. Already, Drake and Foresight were there with Kiwami and Abe and he gave a friendly tilt of his head. He wasn’t particularly close to either Drake or Foresight and wouldn’t have called them friends back at the academe, though now they were the closest he had anymore.