[@Darkwatck01] Edward opened his eyes to a dark, freezing chill. The curve of a tube-like structure restricted his movement, making the bite that much worse. Moreover, moving (or attempting to) shifted a large needle in his shoulder, so it was inadvisable anyway. Then, quite suddenly, the tube opened. There were other tubes just like his lined up on the wall; one contained a buff blond man, another a dark-haired elf girl, another a brunette human woman. Their bodies looked so lifeless, and yet so lifelike, as if each had a strong, beating heart but no soul to fill it. A little further away was a table. Strange and wonderful devices of plastic and metal lay in various stages of construction littered around the table. The most curious contraption, though, was a magical crystalline pad. Runes and letters blinked across it, and upon closer inspection, an unfinished design. Where had Edward awakened to? Had he arrived in the future, or perhaps in the ancient past, when the Immortals walked the earth? A whirring noise came from the roof. A long tube mounted in a metal ball folded out of the ceiling and pointed at him.