[i]Reia woke up early enough to make herself some breakfast. She made toast with cheese and yogurt on the side along with a grapefruit and a glass of water. She ate quietly, thinking about how the day might go. She was excited to see Welkins again, hoping he would introduce more people to her so she could make a few more friends. She wasn't really shy, but she also wasn't extremely outgoing, which was perfectly fine with her. She went into her [url=https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/A4iERlvREDLT2n7itGHuyeoz4ocXYxwfuF5cwacPIcI/http/cdn.onekindesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/Log-Cabin-Style-Bedrooms-01-1-Kindesign.jpg?width=1008&height=670]bedroom[/url] and decided on an [url=http://picture-cdn.wheretoget.it/u85tx9-l-610x610-jacket-fashion-black-blazer-pink-rosy-girly-jullnard-gold-lace-blouse-shorts-hairstyles-necklace.jpg]outfit[/url] to wear. It consisted of a blush colored blazer with a white lace top that she tucked into a pair of navy blue shorts. She decided on a pair of navy blue flats to go with it, and grabbed her book bag, placing everything she might need for the day inside, including her daggers. Finally she was out the door, crossing the little bridge over the stream to head into town. [/i]