When the firefight broke out, Romon was quick to leap behind one of the control consoles in the room. After taking a few deep breaths to compose himself, he gently raised his head out of cover to try and make sense of what was going on. That didn't take long to work out. 'We are under attack. There are Rebels in the station. I am unarmed because we're not meant to be on duty yet!' These thoughts raced through Romon's mind, and he slipped back down into cover. He scanned his immediate surroundings looking for an emergency equipment locker. Spotting one on the other side of the room, he scampered over, ripped the door open, and took out a pistol. 'Eh, looks weak, but it'll have to do.' Slightly disappointed with his findings, Romon, still crouched, swivelled round, and looked to see where he should join the fight from. Behind the very big guy with very big gun appeared to be as good a place as any, so firing at what he assumed were Rebels, Romon made his way over to his squadmates.