[quote=@Dynamo Frokane] The link to the margret thatcher statement seems to be broken, maybe it was a deleted tweet or something, I definitely remember him saying something like that but it was on one of his longer videos so I'm not going to try and dig it up, I'll accept whether you want to take my word for it or not. He is absolutely a trump supporter, went from just attacking any criticism about him to actively voting for him. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNCziCbg9VE]As seen here[/url] As far as everything else I'm a little reluctant to start wading through hours of that guy talk for time stamps and context because there are frankly things I cant prove. I cant say for 100% he has or hasnt unsavoury intentions because I cant read his mind, I also cant give you a breakdown of his money driven aspirations because I have no access to his financial records. All I can do is point out his contradictions and shady interactions and accusations. But that really does mean nothing if you are going to give him the benefit of the doubt at every turn. Now here is a video going in [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4-67C2htgI4]depth[/url] with soruces about the guy's behaviour and an earlier even [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lN5OjzEfQmI] longer [/url] on with even more context. But because these videos were made by thunderf00t It seems like you are going to disregard everything said in the videos, even the things backed up by sources and video evidence. Now I'm no fan of Thunderf00t. He seems like a bit of a creep obsessed with making 500 videos about Anita Sarkeesian and his tone is too condescending for me to listen to for any length of time. But the fact he seemed to get in a spat with Sargon and Lauren Southern and they made response videos might make him out to be pretty combative but it doesn't make him a liar in every instance whatsoever. Especially when Lauren and Sargon aren't the most honest people on youtube if we have to be honest. And losing subscribers doesn't really mean anything. Jon Tron lost a lot of subscribers after the Destiny Debate stuff, but I'm sure you don't view him in the same way. I don't want you to take this in the wrong way but you seem to be giving one person the benefit of the doubt in every instance and doing the exact opposite for someone else. I don't think its necessarily a political bias, because when it comes to feminism Thunderf00t and Stefan actually have very similar views. But I suspect there is not much more to say on this, so I'll leave it here. [/quote] It's not just because you said it, or anything. Just healthy to have a skeptical mind. I'm not outright saying he's done nothing wrong. Very few people have spotless records anymore, you're bound to find dirt on just about any human being. I just did some wading through Trump's voting video and almost all of it was someone else talking about Trump. Not him. But the first thing he does bring up, is [color=ed1c24]"it's not about what trump -will- do, it's what he won't do" He won't go after the 2nd amendment, he won't bring in 3rd world people[/color] (a little vague for my personal tastes. He does specify refugees. But there's only one refuge group type that's caused problems for all of Europe. <.<) [color=ed1c24]No more leftist on supreme court.[/color] He also doesn't really seemed that enthused. He said, [color=ed1c24]he'll won't pull the breaks, but ya know maybe he won't step on the gas in driving america off a cliff.[/color] This seems like the typical reason, most people DID vote for Trump. The Ye Olde, Lesser evil argument. Doesn't seem like he's making a hypocritical argument. B-but those videos are just from Thunderfoot again...I just wanted an original link video. Or at least someone who hasn't has such problems with lying directly about youtubers before. Now, I'm not going to defend Laura Southern. Because I do -not- watch her stuff. But Sargon of Akkad, has never been purposefully dishonest that I can see. He always corrects slip ups he makes and never doubles down. He's more honest about his political beliefs than most. Well, I never liked Destiny. I could see he was manipulating the conversation. In a way, that reminded me of something like Angry Joe VS. Geoff Keighley. Angry Joe wasn't wrong in ideas. But he was unprepared and was outsmarted. JonTron is not a political activist and shouldn't have debated a manipulator. But that doesn't work, because Destiny lost all of his when he said like several stupid things in a row. One mocking patreon artists. A few more cherries on top, Then using a bunch of hateful racist language. Making his judgement of JonTron pulling a Mitt Romney. Quite ironic. [s]Also I'm going to bring up I'm actively searching for Destiny racist quotes...and google has a front page of pewdiepie and jontron shit (ya know almost like leftist who are popular, never get the same coverage for their hateful nonsense.) Google your bias is showing again. Jesus, I found the animator spat before I found the racist quotes...[/s] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DL95h4EUMAA1-N7.jpg[/img] You don't need to search for it, it seems like you just have a negative gut reaction on them. It's not uncommon for people to hate someone for not completely clear reasons, everyone has that celeb you never met in your life but you can't stand in every movie there in, regardless of performance. I'm not going to look down at you, for disliking someone. Okay, I don't take it personal that you think that I may take some opinions given to me by you, with a grain of salt. But I assure you, you're not the only one and it isn't just because you're saying it, that makes the statements questionable. I just doubted someone else on this very thread, posting something about VOX and taking them seriously.