[@Flightless_Soul],[@Gentlemanvaultboy] [img]http://www.arcade-fighter.com/images/retratos/under-night-in-birth-exe-late/uniel-hilda.png[/img] [color=gray][h1][b]HILDA WRIGHT[/b][/h1][/color][h3]Lady of the Void[/h3] [b]Hilda:[/b] [i]She'd sigh, feeling that either her somewhat aggressive introduction left a bad impression on him. Hilda would still appear quite angry as she didn't enjoy being called doll. The knight beside her held it's position kept a hand on it's blade, looking to his master, waiting for permission to cut down the rude boy.[/i] [color=gold]"Fuck off? Why that's a rude way to talk to someone that wants to help you. I may not be a beast of the blood like you, but I too know the feeling of being hunted. While you seem to be the lone wolf type, I encourage you to at least take a listen to my offer. Also..."[/color] [i]Hilda's chair moved arond Nero, placing herself in front of him. She'd slowly stand up, reveling her height of 6'8". The woman would look Nero in the eyes, bearing a smile that just reeked of malicious intent.[/i] [center][img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/e6cb/f/2017/313/9/1/hilda_icon_by_valorat-dbt7w1x.png[/img][/center] [color=gold]"Please don't call me 'Doll' again... It's quite insulting to me."[/color]