"And this is were one of my tricks comes into play." Robert pressed a few buttons on his digivice and what appeared to be a bat winged eyeball materialized in his hand and showed it to the rest of the group. [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/dgrayman/images/d/dc/Golem.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160730180945[/img] "Cute isn't it, it's a computer virus, I call it Zeta-1 it should do the tailing for us and for the record, not it's not a Digimon, it programming is not complex enough for that it's just a simple program." The bat like virus nodded the best it could before flying in the direction of the two Digimon. Robert pulled out his digivice pulling up a map and waited a little before a red dot appeared marking the location of the Digimon. "With this we can be a safe distance from them as we follow them." Doru was glad that Robert thought of it, he didn't want to get seen by members of Dorbrickmon's army, he didn't think they'd reconize him in this from, but he didn't want to take a chance. He turned his head towards Robert, who was currently doing the pose that basically said bow down mortals!