[@LordofthePies] A few things to point out, :Links should be displayed with their level i.e. 'Relic- 1 through 3'. A total of four means any cimbinations that equals 4 levels. So technically, if that link is supposed to be a tier 3, then your character is allowed to have an extra lvl 1 and still be fine. Since he is an artificer, he deals with smaller a load out but stronger :Links. So you got that aspect correct. Also a :link of that power shouldn't have such a long cooldown. I'm only saying this as a little nudge. Go ahead, be stronger. You'll need it. :^D Relics are usually fully functional too, unless damaged by something stronger. Ancient technology of such rarity is extremely durable, hence whey they are still functional despite all this time and ware. And the inability to replicate them earns their high valuable, as they are often used as components for greater technology. If they 'fail' it is often a result of the user not understanding or fully knowing the Activation Command or Sequence.