Welkins saw the note that Reia past to him and smiled. He though it was pretty cute that she was writing him a note in the middle of class. On it she had asked him if he wanted to hang out with him for a bit in the free period and wanted his company. Ge grabbed his pen and started writing back right away. Of course he wanted to hang out with her. It wouldn't take long of him to show her the town, but anything to spend more time with her. [color=1a7b30]"Of course, I'd love to hang out with you. Since the town is so small it won't take long to see, but I'd like to spend more time with you if that's okay with you." [/color] He finished up writing and passed the note back to her. When he looked back at her he noticed her facial features. She was an elf just like him. That made him laugh a little. He figured he would ask her about it after once they got together again.