[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/m5AP3ML.png[/img] [COLOR=lightsteelblue][sup][b][img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto/images/5/5b/Amegakure_Symbol.svg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/25?cb=20090830222820[/img] Amegakure no Sato | S-rank | Leader of Amegakure[/b][/sup][/COLOR][/center][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=lightsteelblue][b]TIME:[/b] [i]A week after the funeral - a week before the expedition message is sent out[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Amegakure[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] Kaito Chosokabe, [@Ganryu]; Sayuri Nisshoku, Kareha Yuki, [@Write]; Havoc [@Syn]; Kyokotsu/Mizuki [@LadyInInk]; Nousagi Hyuga, Kurin Senju, [@Reflection]; Kaijin Otsutsuki, [@Seraphicide]; Tashiro Hokori, [@BladeSS4][/color][/sup][/INDENT] Yogensha quietly rose from the ground with the help of her assistant, Sayuri. Yes, she may have been stronger than she let on to, but with good reason. And, truth be told, much of that power had drained now. Her extra arms retracted back into her back. She glared out the balcony into the distance, ignoring Tashiro's introduction. Suddenly, she formed the tiger seal. [i][b][color=black]“Ukojizai no Jutsu!”[/color][/b][/i] she proclaimed, causing a sudden thunderstrike to strike not far from the village walls. The rain strengthened, going from a very strong into a straight up storm. With the rain came the wind, blowing in through the balcony with such strength that some of the ANBU lost their footing, and had to step back a single foot to maintain their composure. It seemed that something had angered the once so calm, peaceful and diplomatic Yogensha. With the dark clouds overhead, the room darkened out, until the sudden flash of a thunderbolt lit the world up in white. Yogensha turned around, and momentarily she looked crazed as the wind caught her har and moved it around carelessly. With the Rain Tiger at Will technique strengthened, the area covered by it increased almost by two. A solid proof of her chakra capacities - something that the Konoha nin could take home as 'intel' for their hokage. The bones under her body bubbled, and two large bones on her forehead almost seemed to be ready to puncture through her body. If she had known more about her family, she'd have known it was the curse of the Kaguya. But she felt different. To anyone else, she just looked crazed. Nothing more, nothing less. In her vision in her head, of all that chakra under the cloak of her Rain Tiger at Will, she could sense everyone. Kareha, Havoc, Kyokotsu. She knew their positions - or, at least, loosely so. Unlike conventional sensory, she was incapable of determining which chakra pattern belonged to who, but the fact that they'd entered the rain when they escaped made it very obvious who was who. [i]“The new lord Hokage...”[/i] she said in a hushed voice, stumbling forwards. [i]“Instead of greeting me as his equal, he sends me 'help' of some Konoha kids,”[/i] she added, sniffing slightly as she pushed herself past Tashiro. [i]“Fitting.”[/i] If Kai was still paying attention, he'd notice that the amount of Yogensha's chakra in the village itself, and the outskirts, was growing and reaching rather ridiculous sizes. It left Yogensha herself with little chakra, but she was certain she didn't need any anymore. As Yogensha pushed past Tashiro, she would look into his eyes, and he'd be able to see how strange she looked now. Whether it was her sickness or something in her head, it looked as if she was about to snap. But something inside of her kept her in control. The thoughts of the shrine, perhaps. Bang. Another thunderstrike, the room lit up again and the ANBU that had been there before had vanished. Slowly, Yogensha also walked past Nousagi and Kurin. [i]“Follow me,”[/i] she told them, pushing through the broken doors and walking through the tower. She'd began descending the stairs, leading them into a small side room. There were multiple display cases, with various items in them. She walked past most of them, pearls, jewels, other items of varied values. However, what was most interesting to her was laid out in the back. A broken Gunbai, with a hole blasted through the center of it. It was made of wood and had an emblem of the Uchiha on it - the three tomoe, in red. She raised her hand to touch it, but before she could reach, she pulled back. Whatever it was, the residue chakra on it was visible and could be felt, even without having eyes like the Byakugan. [i]“It belonged to someone very powerful one. It got destroyed, sadly. Despite your abilities,”[/i] she said, maintaining her eyes on the wooden gunbai. She seemed moved by it, almost. [i]“You could not repair this, young Senju.”[/i] She did not turn to face Kurin, glancing over the item of historical value that was merely a museum piece now. Then she glanced to the right, where a shard of wood was placed. There was a single, large piece of wood. Similar to the Gunbai, it leaked chakra, of a very different type. Evidently, from someone else. The size of the shard of wood meant there was much more chakra though. The good eye could make out the shape of a hand in the piece of wood. Around it were lots of smaller fragments that had been collected. Yogensha moved over, standing in front of the shard now. [i]“This should interest you. We found it almost fourty years ago, when I wasn't born yet. It was a great battle site, or so we concluded. It's the remnant of a great Mokuton technique, one you should.. at least have heard of. 'Senpō Mokuton: Shin Sūsenju,' if my memory is correct.”[/i] She was buying time. She could sense Havoc's movements and was giving him time to acquire what he wanted - Kyokotsu. It was working. She took one of the smaller shards of wood, and turned to Kurin, holding it out in front of him. [i]“Preserving history has always been my passion. Ninsho, the art the Sage blessed us with, is a great tool. So is history. Take this, and feel it's power.”[/i] Slowly, she'd hand over the shard of wood. Despite simply 'buying time' she wasn't lying. The shard was real, it exuded power and, if Kurin had a true connection to the Mokuton, he'd feel the surging power within it despite the fact that the technique was used so long ago. Not having bought enough time yet, she proceeded down the stairs further, leaving the museum behind and going to the ground floor. Once there, she instructed the Konoha nin. [i]“Please inform the Hokage I have no need for aid. Amegakure is too small to be of interest. This so called 'Black Dragon' already told me I am too.. puny for him. So did this man in the tower that we fought. I would be offended, but.. it seems I lack the strength to do anything about it. But you don't.”[/i] She smiled at them, and pointed to a large map of Amegakure regions that hung from the wall. [i]“North-east, in a clearing. There's a pond nearby. And a cave. That's where this man went. I will release my Rain Tiger at Will now, so that your sensory techniques won't wash off.”[/i] Hm, yes. It seemed like Yogensha had quite the keen eye - and had thus noticed Kurin's spore technique. Rather than mess with his tracking, which she admittedly doubt she could stop fully, she formed the tiger seal and stopped the rain. The clouds and atmosphere, however, remained dark. [i]“Go. And don't return.”[/i] [hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=lightsteelblue][b]TIME:[/b] [i]A few hours later[/i] | [b]LOCATION:[/b] [i]Amegakure[/i] | [b]INTERACTION:[/b] Sayuri Nisshoku, [@Write][/color][/sup][/INDENT] Loud coughing interrupted the meeting. Now that the Konohagakure nin had left, they were replaced with a more welcome person, also from Konohagakure. The sound and rinkle of tea cups being put down was heard soon after the cough. [i]“You seem to be quite sick,”[/i] a manly voice said. [i]“It's nothing. So, about this agreement, mr. Hanamari.”[/i] [i]“We find it agreeable to temporarily adopt her in exchange for building rights for a new compound in Amegakure.”[/i] [i]“Very well. You are aware of her true nature?”[/i] [i]“Yes. I can assure you, however, that she fits the clan perfectly.”[/i] Yogensha raised an eyebrow, then raised her teacup. [i]“Sayuri agrees too. Please, enjoy your tea. It's specially made in Amegakure.”[/i]