[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/344550107234041856/355119296063471617/Bonesword.png[/img][color=92278f][b][h3]Bonesword[/h3][/b][/color][/center] As soon as the skeleton noticed the falling urchins, he stopped at a distance away from them. Far enough to the point where he didn't have to worry about making them hostile on himself. They'd want to destroy him, he already knew it. What to do about this situation... Bonesword summoned a small seaweed minion to his aid as he looked ahead at the path covered with urchins. He had to get them out of the way if he was gonna pass, and this was the best way to do it without him dying. The minion had one objective, 'Divert the urchins to a far safer location', and he lurked off with that very intention, running past the urchins in his path with reckless abandon. About a good ten seconds later, Bonesword's armor began to sprout spider-like appendages as it lifted the wearer off of the ground, carrying the skeleton above the urchin masses while keeping its feet away from the points of contact. A good arms length away at all times. The armor also sprouted a large bowl above it, reinforced with underwater bark, that collected the urchins that fell down from the arch above. Bonesword himself went into a fetal position in order to keep his body from accidentally coming into proximity with the urchins. If things got rough, there was always the armor protecting him, and the Shooting Star protecting that. Meanwhile, Bonesword's project was on it's way. A slow and steady journey, but one nonetheless. [color=92278f][b][[color=ec008c]ARRIVAL[/color] - 7 ROUNDS][/b][/color]