[i][color=00a651]"Of course, I'd love to hang out with you. Since the town is so small it won't take long to see, but I'd like to spend more time with you if that's okay with you."[/color] was written on the note that was passed back. She tried to hide her blush, and let her hair fall back around her face like a curtain. She had crushes before, but now she was out of the 'high school' scene, and wondered if it would be different here. She gave her head a shake gently. She didn't need that type of distraction since she's just starting out here. She did still want to hangout and she was excited despite what she told herself. She wrote back on the note, [color=004b80]"Looking forward to it. Meet you outside during free period."[/color] She bit the inside of her lip and tried to focus on what was being said, but couldn't. Eventually the period ended, and she headed to Magic user class. This is the class she would learn to use and strengthen her affinity for Spirit. She was excited for that, and wrote notes and drew little sketches in her book while the class continued on. Finally once it ended, she headed immediately outside and waited. She tapped her foot slightly, hoping she wasn't looking too eager. [/i]