Hi there, I'll have two number nines, a number nine large-oh wait this isn't Cluckin' Bell? Crap. Well nice to meet ya all regardless. I'm EndOfMyWarudo, but call me whatever you want. I'm no stranger to RPs, having done them since my sophomore year of high school. As a college student, my time might be a tad stretched but I'll do what I can to write! My specialties include but are not limited to; fantasy, romance (preferred), cyberpunk, anime/manga (preferred). I'll be happy to meet any word counts you might want, so I can either give you a simple fence of text or a great wall of text, and no one builds walls better than me. You might have to forgive me as well, I'm a shameless weaaboo and love using animanga FCs for my characters, assuming I want to use or need to use an OC for the RP in question. Don't worry about approaching me, I'll find you. Especially you over there, with the big sweater. Yeah, you aren't slick.