[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171104/bdf633ecfae53150258999e087e1e288.png[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/3e/ed/7d/3eed7d55ab977b67f9106f38f38c7f35.jpg[/img] [/center] [hr] “M’lady your father wishes for you to wake.” A servant said as she came into Stelsa’s bedroom, lit some candles, and drew the curtains. It would take a little more prodding from the servant to rouse her from sleep, but once Stelsa acknowledged the servant’s presence the woman quickly left the room to finish her other morning duties. Now Stelsa was just lying in bed, staring at the rafters of her ceiling. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness. She glanced out the window to see a regrettably dark blue sky, and fog covered river staring back at her. It was definitely too early. She hated being awake before the sun. The only light in the room was a soft glow from the dying embers in the fireplace. The three candles the servant had lit flickered in the corners of the room, making shadows dance on the walls. Her desire to go back to sleep was winning against her better judgment. She snuggled herself under the cozy covers. Closing her eyes she contemplated if the possibility of vexing her father, was worth staying in bed. With a bitter sigh, she decided that she would get up. Her father's name day celebration was yesterday, and it had lasted late into the night, long after half the household went to bed. The rose-pink light of dawn was barely gracing the horizon as she finally pushed off the covers and sat up out of bed. Her long brown hair was always a wild mess of waves when she woke up. She fidgeted with the ends of it, and sighed again. Lately it had been colder at night, but now even the night chill was creeping into the mornings, slithering under the doorways, and windows. As she placed her feet on the ground the chill from the stone floor crept up her legs. She shivered and swiftly grabbed her woolen robe from the end of the bed. Stelsa shrugged it on over her nightdress, and shoved her feet into her slippers. There was a distinct knock at the door that could only be Perra, and Stelsa’s mood immediately brightened. “I’m coming in. Big Mae doesn’t trust you to get yourself up, so she sent me to make sure you do.” Perra playfully mocked as she waltzed into the room, shutting the door behind her. [color=B6EDC4]“Is that your way of saying good morning? Because as you can see I am awake, and almost fully out of bed even though it’s still dark out.”[/color] She said back as she stood up and smiled over to Perra. They had been friends since they were five years old, and the fact that Perra was lowborn and Stelsa was highborn thankfully never seemed to affect their relationship. Unlike her old friend Jeems who had resorted back to calling her m’lady this past year, and was now ignoring her existence. Perra pulled out a gold silk [url= https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d6/14/8a/d6148ac2483035e4c1bae27032a53560.jpg]dress[/url] from the trunk at the foot of the bed. “You should wear this today since the king’s uncle, the imp is coming yah know. Everyone in the kitchen is talking about it. Do you think he's really as ugly as everyone’s saying?” Perra asked as she unfolded the dress, and patted down the creases. Stelsa did wonder how long Lord Tyrion would be staying here. She had not been paying much attention when her father explained things to her and her brother. [color=B6EDC4]“I don’t care if he is ugly, I’m more interested in why he is even coming here in the first place. Hopefully he'll find his visit enjoyable, and be on his way.”[/color] Stelsa said quickly glancing at the simple gown Perra chose. It was the most expensive gown Stelsa owned, mainly due to the lush gold silk material. She had only worn it a handful of times, and it was Perra’s favorite. Stelsa brushed her fingers over the embroidered sleeves of the blue [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b7/f6/7f/b7f67f7ef6084a360355a2c84e5a2b39.jpg]dress[/url] draped over the chair in the corner. She had worn it yesterday for the festivities, and was planning on wearing it again today. It was her mother’s old dress, and she was curious to know if her father even noticed. She had been leaving little reminders and hints of her mother around ever since her father remarried. From what she gathered, none of it even registered to her father. Stelsa happily agreed with Perra’s choice instead, deciding to give the passive aggressive behavior a rest for the day. Perra helped lace Stelsa into the gold gown. She then proceeded to brush Stelsa's tangled brown hair into a less wild state. By the time the sunrise was in full swing Stela was fully dressed, and Perra had magically managed to tame her hair enough to pin it into a court [url=https://68.media.tumblr.com/99d4611c701d9f3e98e0a77a43b32f77/tumblr_n4cl2b6mVS1r4xouho1_500.jpg]fashion[/url]. To some this could be considered a small miracle. Getting her out of bed was considered a chore by most, so Stelsa was normally the last one down to breakfast. Perra ran off after saying something about forgetting to make the dough for tonight's fish pies. The light silk of her dress was doing nothing to prevent the cold morning air from making her shiver, so she ruffled through her trunk of clothes for a coat. Thankfully the brown fur trimmed one she loved was still folded and wedged where she left it weeks ago. It was old, and since she'd grown four inches since it was made the hem ended in an awkward length above her ankle. Her favorite thing about it was the ivory buttons, and green ivy leaves she had stitched around the collar. Stelsa made her way to the great hall for a absurdly early breakfast. If this were any other day she would still be burrowed under her blankets fast asleep for the next hour. [color=B6EDC4]"Good morning."[/color] she greeted her father with a kiss on the cheek. She sat down in her usual place, and food was brought out. She spread blackberry jam onto a slice of bread, and took a bit.