[quote]So, denizens of the Guild, which section(s) would you say that you are most likely to Roleplay within and why?[/quote] Probably the advanced section. I do a lot of 1x1 in PM but I never post to that section. As to the whys I generally prefer the pacing of the advanced section and I have friends from other sites who come here to 1x1 because RPGuild's PM system has features that we like. [quote]Do you feel that you are "welcomed" as a "member" within this section and/or sections?[/quote] Sure. I've never felt unwelcome in any roleplaying section here. Everyone has always been friendly. Even the most combative section, Arena, welcomed me with open arms when I stuck my head in there. [quote]Would you feel comfortable writing in the other sections? Why or why not?[/quote] I imagine I would feel comfortable writing in any section.