[center][img] http://fontmeme.com/permalink/170611/08806e81a0203e453a2c58f159fc074c.png [/img][/center] [center][u][b]Location: [/b][/u][/center][center][b]Tselinoyarsk [/b][/center] [center][u][b]Mentions: [/b][/u][/center][center][b][@DracoLunaris] [@redbaron1234] [@Crosswire] [/b][/center] Marston looked the seed over that Mr. Payne handed over him. Hard. Heavy. A bright, metallic color. [color=a0410d]“Are you sure you didn’t just hand me some shot? If this really was a seed, it’d take a smarter man than me to get this thing to grow. But I don’t think you need me to tell you that you could knock someone real good with it.” [/color] He handed the seed back to Mr. Payne, and started heading north once he saw Quiet, Cedar, and Julian heading up the path.The path was far more narrow than the cowboy had anticipated, and the grass thicker than any plain he had ever ridden across. Marston watched his feet for snakes as he followed the others through the winding grass. Marston recoiled slightly at the arising stench emanating from the pool of mud that spread itself before him. [color=a0410d]“Good lord,”[/color] muttered the cowboy. It was like Irish had spent days drinking himself to sleep in the pigpens of Thieves’ Landing. [color=a0410d]“Looks like we don’t wanna get caught in that.”[/color] As Marston looked around the area for an alternate route, Quiet had pointed towards the north, where Marston saw the Genprey, preoccupied by their meal. John was ready for snakes, cougars, even bears, but he couldn’t even conjure up an image of bipedal, flesh-eating reptiles until they were right there before his eyes. The cowboy pulled out the ornate revolver, a heavy round loaded in the chamber. [color=a0410d]“...And we definitely don’t want to get caught by those things, either. I think we should try to put those things down while they’re distracted. I’m pretty confident I can get a shot in on one, but that’s all I got. If one of you can get the other one, I think we’d be golden.”[/color] Quiet and Julian looked raring to go (granted, Julian always looked pretty aggravated), but with only a knife, a pair of robotic fists, and a teenage girl between them, the element of surprise may have been lost. He looked to Mr. Payne, the semi-automatic pistol resting in his shoulder holster. [color=a0410d]“Think you can get the other one?” [/color] Marston turned back to Quiet, Cedar, and Julian. [color=a0410d]“If you all have any other ideas, I’d be willing to hear ‘em.” [/color] Marston realized the issue with asking a mute and a murderous machine to share any ideas they had, but if they had a way of crossing the swamp and getting the drop on the oversized chickens across the way, then he’d least get to save a bullet. Julian might be able to get across the thick swamp, but Marston had no idea what the quiet one was capable of. Until then, he raised the revolver, accounting for the unusual heftiness of the gun, and trained its sights on the head of the leftmost Genprey.