[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/q6L3Sfa.png[/img][/center] [center][h3][color=e9b45d]Cydone[/color][/h3][/center] [color=e9b45d]"You alright there partner?"[/color] Cydone glances worriedly at Antaeus, watching as he sunk with all the grace of keeling horse. Casting his net at Antaeus, Cydone figured he'd cast some inertia reduction so that Antaeus'd have a soft landing with the aid of something to grab. However, he noticed when a small bit of his net melted. Or, well, at least that's what it looked like to Cydone's not particularly chemically trained eyes. Cydone started spotting the slightest hints of the wraithlike jellyfish and.. [color=e9b45d]"Nope, nope, I don't do ghosts. I'm out. See you later, fellers."[/color] Cydone applied a very slight amount of deceleration to Antaeus as he used him as an anchor to pull on with his strings. Cydone pulled out his sword with his hand that wasn't busy pulling on the string and slashed in front of himself nearly a dozen times. The normal "windslash" effect was more of a "waveslash" in this environment, a frothy mix of gas and water caught up in it, but nonetheless, he cleared the way in front of himself as he headed for Antaeus. The water around him flowed out of the way far easier than it should, letting him keep up speed. Just before landing on Antaeus' back, Cydone reduced his own inertia and that of his waveslashes so that they would land lighter than a feather. Of course, with all that fancy manipulation going on, he forgot to do what he originally was intending and lighten Antaeus' landing. [center]-[/center] [center] [h3][color=bc8dbf]Cassiopia[/color][/h3] [hider=Appearance][img]https://i.imgur.com/fMyzaEp.jpg[/img][/hider][/center] [color=bc8dbf]"Um.. Uh oh..."[/color] Cassiopia muttered, a bit panicked as everything went black and her skin tasted the ink around her. The disadvantage of being able to taste and eat through your skin was that you could taste through your skin. At least she didn't have a biology to speak of to poison by most poisons. [color=bc8dbf]~Man, I'm like the only demon trying to be sneaky and I'm the first one attacked.. That's just my luck. :( ~[/color] She despaired and moaned internally, as she was battered around with clubbing tentacles. Her gelatinous form easily withstood the blunt attacks, a few bits getting spattered away, balling up protectively around her Necrolimb armor that wasn't quite as resilient to physical trauma. Without much ado, she was eaten. It was after the eating that most of the ado occurred. Just past the beak, before she could reach the potentially dangerous stomach, if the being's acids were stronger than hers, her Necrolimb's blade and grasping arms shot forth, stabbing into the "esophagus" of the Kraken and anchoring herself in place very painfully. [color=bc8dbf]~These won't do much damage out and abroad in the ocean, but fired inside an enemy might do some damage. Let's ricochet some rounds inside the mantle.~[/color] Cassiopia Necrolimb armor unfolded a few heavy machine guns barrels from Cassiopia's torso. Unlike the Machina, Cassiopia didn't have the industrial knowledge or base to swap out or mod her weapons for the fight, being a scavenger rather than an original creator. But her weapons could still fire in wet conditions (seeing they were frequently fired from inside her body), even if the bullets normally wouldn't travel very far underwater at all. But inside the Kraken, pretty much anything they traveled through would be damaging the Kraken, and its protective/bouyant mantle would serve to cause the machine gun rounds ricochet inside it's soft fleshy bits. She fired, lighting up the inside of the Kraken. If that was enough to kill it, she'd open the beak, reclaim the parts of herself that had been splattered away, and begin zombifying the Kraken.