[@agentnumalol]Procrastination strikes everyone Agent, so I appreciate the effort you took in getting your post up despite that. Marston's suggestions are more then helpful. Plus just the fact a [i]cowboy[/i] is planning on landing a headshot on a [b]glorified dinosaur[/b] really gets across the beauty of this this roleplay. Hearing how much you appreciate the details in my posts is really nice and it is a relief to hear you have patience in regards the pace of things. I don't intend to trim down my posts at all (unless a situation demands it) but that doesn't mean I won't look for ways to improve or streamline things for the convenience and enjoyment of everyone involved here. Making the cards isn't that difficult. Once the work goes into making the general template and most I have to do is write and add a picture to it for each individual item. Which isn't that different from what I've been doing so it's no work at all :) Also Baron was also having issues seeing the image. [b]I changed the hosting site so let me know if you can see it now or not. [/b]