[@WelcmeToGudBrgr][@Tenslashsix][@Jaded][@Flamelord] Hi all may be a bit longer before the post as I had to vent in my other RP so I am in a Bitch on Wheels with a Bloody Knife mode [hr][hr] I would like to ask that when this starts all characters be in a Sammie Bar (Sammie Bar is generic for Street Samurai Bar and they are a dime a 1,000....Yours is Sammie 2257-35ul....you guys can nickname it what you want) The drinks are cheap, the kibble ain't got no mold and [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a3/ae/dd/a3aedd96d7db1802bf18641060998d6e--mix-drinks-fan-service.jpg]The Bartender Droid is well Maintained[/url] No Shootin guns, carving yer names in tables or other patrons or you get banned Music post like [youtube]https://youtu.be/Nw2iipzHl3w[/youtube]in your IC are accepted but may be made fun of in the Discord