[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/megamitensei/images/5/56/P5ProtagDance.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20170802121445[/img][/center] [hr] "We entered, found out we had a mantis for our home room teacher, had a surprise physical examination, oh and I drugged an entire table of jackasses." Noru answered for Dan, suddenly answering without being addressed. He did a mental facepalm realizing that suddenly entering without being addressed was seriously rude and no way to make friends... It been so long since he made a friend, after he got labeled as a delinquent in his last school... That isn't untrue, but still... He looked at two once again. "Ah sorry. I should introduce myself I'm Noru Nanbu. Oh and don't worry I'm not going to drug you two." Said Aizen with a natural perm. Noru looked completely calm, but on the inside he was completely panicking. Crap, I why am I screwing up something like an introduction? Think what would dad do? Oh right. "Want to see a magic trick?" Noru laughed a little. He really needed to get his barrings straight. He really needs to stop this, a hero doesn't panic when he makes a mistake. Admittedly they don't admit to drugging people, most of the time. [@Heckno12] [@TheMushroomLord]