[@The Harbinger of Ferocity] Well as with everything its a matter of context, if you are sympathetic to white nationalism then you will take the Alt-Right seriously. Just like if you are sympathetic to gamer-gate, black lives matter etc you will obviously follow the voices that echo your own biases or thoughts. I don't speak for 'the media' so I don't know exactly who thinks it is or isn't okay to be white, clearly it is okay, but I can see how some people might be uncomfortable with the term when it gets thrown around heavily in some alt-right circles. If you accept that someone like Richard Spencer is not a very popular figure then you can understand the reluctance to repeat something that he is repeating if its seems too close to his ideology, I personally don't have that problem but you can see why some people might be gun-shy. Its similar why you dont see regular black people saying 'black power' with the solidarity fist. Not because there is anything particularly wrong with that statement in a vacuum, but because it is associated with a fairly radical and militant group that most regular folk don't feel a desire to align themselves with. In the case of that twitter poll, again it has to be viewed in context, that is not representative of the country, while 20,000 plus people might seem like a lot on paper, we don't know the demographics of the voters of that twitter poll and I'm almost certain that a lot of those 'no' votes were simply to spite Jason Kessler because he's a very unpopular person. In the same way you might see a lot of downvotes on a video for Anita Sarkeesian. If you feel I'm saying anything unreasonable here, please highlight and address it, I enjoy talking with you but I very much want to stay on this very particular topic, and at this point am not interested in a greater discussion about the broader media or anything outside this particular twitter poll.