[h2]Mordred[/h2] "Grrr... is that any way to treat your savior, you little bastard?!" Mordred snapped. She'd kept him from... whatever the hell the moth man was going to try and do, but of course he just has to be snarky rather then actually be grateful... Regardless, she quickly turned to face her enemy only to watch as he was bound in some kind of magical pink ribbon. It wasn't hard to guess who'd handled that, but it meant that he couldn't go after Andersen again. And that he couldn't move. He couldn't dodge or escape. After pausing only for a moment to listen to his rambling, Mordred rested Clarent on her shoulder and rolled her eyes. "Blah blah blah," Mordred replied, brushing it off with a wave of her free hand. Like she was going to listen to a single thing this scumbag said. "I don't care how you try to justify it. I don't care at all. You released poison into the air where any innocent person could walk right in and die." The blonde knight's armored feet clanked against the ground as she approached the man, lowering Clarent off her shoulder. Her expression was grim only for a moment, before turning into a rather vicious grin. She hated this bastard, so the chance to dispense some justice, get rid of the kind of person who didn't care how many people got hurt... "And you don't even care. Not one bit. If some kid had walked in and choked to death on your poison, you've just brushed it off. So I'm not gonna let you live." Mordred raised her sword and- [@Rin][@Dezuel][@KoL][@Raineh Daze]