Aro danced on a fence as loud music blared from the speaker in her pocket. Tonight was a nice day, the nose-biting cold was just enough to warrant a light jacket, but not cold enough for a real coat. She was snug her her plush vest and she pulled it closer as she spun. Aro hopped off the fence, the Eurobeat in her pocket playing loud enough to fill the silent street. She playfully jumped around the street to the beat of the music, doing an occasional spin to check her surroundings. If there was one thing that would definitely ruin her party, it would be getting mugged. Aro spun again, her black hair whipping her in the face when she suddenly stopped to keep dancing down the street. She saw a small black cat wrapped in what looked like loose kite string. She turned down her tunes so it became subtle background music. She quietly made her way to the cat and picked it up. It made a small fuss, but it was stuck and clearly wanted help. She gently pulled on the string that was preventing the feline from walking. It was pretty tight, she'd need scissors. Of course, she could use her knife, but she didn't want to hurt the little thing. "Oh you poor thing, all caught up it seems," Aro purred to the cat before making her way to the nearest business. It was closer than any home she had claimed for the night. Besides, she didn't own scissors. Her new goal was to free this cat. Hopefully, when she let it go, it wouldn't be dumb enough to get stuck again.