Deep in the fog, sat against a tree, a vagrant knight holds her armored palm out to catch a falling [color=7a33ff]violet[/color] leaf. She stares at it beneath her helmet, completely still for what could have been hours, before a gentle breeze blows the leaf away. She looks around herself and notices beams of shimmering golden light shining down through the trees, clear in the dense fog. Shaking her helm, the knight slowly stood, taking her time with her rusted armor and gently emptying out her boots of the water that had collected inside. With renewed vigor, the knight began to gently stride through the dense forest, taking in the sights and the rare sounds with interest and appreciation. She had been in this same forest for days now, originally on a trek to the town of Occurro. The forest had calmed her greatly, but each day brought new light to the very same sights, and the utter silence had always been a soothing and reassuring- Nyte straightened and went stiff at the sound of a voice piercing through the calm atmosphere, turning to face the source and tilting her head. [color=00aeef]“Lost, are they…?”[/color] She muttered to herself before carefully waltzing through the forest, only tripping twice on the way to the voice. She had drawn her sword, an ancient and barely used thing, using it as a walking stick to keep herself from falling apart. After careful, hesitant deliberation on what exactly she should call out in response, Nyte nodded, steeling herself before finally calling out, [color=00aeef]“Who goes there?!”[/color]