[b]Name:[/b] In the Dragon tongue, her name is pronounced as a whistle, sounding through three polyphonic notes. Most species cannot pronounce it, so she has adopted the common tongue translation: Moon, of the family Razor. [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Race:[/b] In the common tongue, Moon's race is known simply as the Dragons, due to their obvious resemblances. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/029/e/d/girl_with_dragon_horns__by_lizolb-d4nyxg1.jpg] In addition to the photo, Moon also has small vestigial wings on her shoulders. When fully extended, they measure a meager two feet from base to tip. Far too small to be functional, but large and muscled enough to deliver a beating. Her body is covered in half-healed scars, a result of her spacecraft crashing. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Height:[/b] 5'6" [b]Abilities:[/b] Dragons are a blind race, their eyes having become vestigial millennia ago. Moon relies on two other systems in order to 'see'. First, echolocation. This is used primarily for enclosed spaces and her immediate surroundings. Secondly, all Dragons have a degree of extrasensory perception. Any life forms within a 150 metre radius can be sensed by a Dragon. Moon can identify someone's presence by their distinct 'life imprint' as easily as most races can identify a face. ((Figured the life sensing would be a nice little opportunity for supernatural twists in the plot.)) [b]Skills:[/b] Dragons are not raised as a fighting race. They are not taught how to handle weapons. Everything Moon has learned, she has learned in the weeks since arriving in the Ebolorian imprisonment. She is now competent at fighting, though far from proficient. She is strong enough to handle herself, and learns fighting techniques quickly. However, the instinct for violence doesn't exist, and fighting is a learned skill. What she lacks in combat instinct, she makes up for with her diplomacy. Moon is intelligent, and can easily reason her way out of a case. She also has a lovely singing voice. [b]Rank:[/b] Class C. [b]Brief Bio and History:[/b] Dragons hail from a planet with one side always facing the star. Originally, life evolved on the light side of the planet, and their eyes served a purpose. But the Dragons migrated to the shadowed side, and over time lost their vision. They evolved their pseudovision, consisting of echolocation and extrasensory perception, as their eyes grew useless. In comparison to humans, Dragon technology evolved quickly. In the span of 1600 standard years, their society surged from primitive to advanced. Medicine, technology, and even spacecraft were developed. A curious race, they began exploring the universe. The Dragons spread, claiming a few new planets as their own, and their numbers grew. Fate was not with the Dragons, as the first race they came across were the Ebolorians. Soon, Ebolorians were sending raiding parties to the home planets of the Dragons. Hundreds were abducted, and transported to the earliest of these death games. It was the start of a genocide, and continued for well over a century. The Dragons were a gentle race, and had little concept of war or fighting. They were some of the weakest in the games, and most never rose above a rank of C. Now, Dragons have retreated, claiming a new home on a distant planet. They are not endangered, but they are rarely seen. Save, of course, for the odd curious traveller. Moon is one of these types. She became the captain of her own space vessel at the age of sixteen. For four years, she travelled the universe. She learned the common tongue, soaking up the language quickly. Whenever she returned home, she brought stories for her two younger sisters. They adored Moon, and wanted to grow up to travel like their older sister. Dragon spacecraft function as an extension of the captain's mind. The machinery uses an artificial form of Dragon ESP, allowing the ability to sense life forms and objects to be greatly expanded. The view links directly to the captain's mind. As a result, no other species is capable of piloting these ships. However, technological malfunctions can be deadly. Moon's equipment was damaged by a tiny asteroid, and she found herself miles off course, unable to steer her craft. She crashed down on the Ebolorian homeworld, and barely survived. It very well may have been better if she'd died in the crash. Injured, alone, and terrified, she was immediately thrown into the arena.