[center][indent][indent][hr][h1][color=C02B4E][b]Lᴀᴅʏ Mᴀᴅᴇʟɪɴᴇ Aɴɴᴇ Lᴀsʜᴛᴏɴ[/b][/color][/h1] [@Hannibal] [@LordLinguinie] [@Emma][hr][/indent][/indent][/center][indent][indent]Madeline eyes fluttered open whenever she rolled over and found that her darling Lord was already up and probably getting started on his duties for the day. She continued to lay down until she heard a knock upon the door, which she told the person behind to go ahead and come on in. It was the messenger attendant that had a parchment, which was sealed in his hand and handed it over to her. Madeline thanked the male as he scurried off as she peeled off her brother's seal slightly before she pulled out the letter that was contained inside. Before her eyes gazed down to read it, Madeline got out of bed and walked around the room until she found better lighting since the sun had not made it's presence known yet. [i]Dear sister, [center]First, I am still envious that Lord Renault of Ash Falls married you and we miss you dearly here at the Kingdom. Father's health is stable and he is better than he was when you were here. I am married now to Lady Sanna of House Stinson, whose expecting a child and I am now apart of King Renly's Vanguard. I hope you see you soon, sister. Make sure Lord Renault takes good care of you.[/center] Your loving brother, - Lord Heath II[/I] Once she was done reading the letter, she sat it down and let out a sigh of relief. Madeline had been so worried about her father since she left the Kingdom and married Renault but to heard that he is doing better, was definitely something that she needed to right about now. She hate that she missed his own brother's wedding but the fact that she was going to be an aunt really warmed her heart, which was slightly shattered whenever he mentioned that he was now apart of King Renly's Vanguard. Madeline hoped that her brother was safe and if she didn't have anything to worry about before, she was definitely worried about her brother now. Again, she sighed but this one was not of relief but filled with worry. After she folded the letter and placed it back inside, she stood up from her seated position and got ready for the day as she remembered that the messenger attendant said something about her darling Renault's whereabouts. Now that her mind was on her Lord, who had celebrated his name day yesterday and what an eventful day it was - Especially for her since she made sure everything was promptly set up to make him happy and enjoy his day. Lady Madeline got dressed the morning, with the help of her handmaiden then asked how she looked as her handmaiden said that she looked absolutely stunning. Thanking and dismissing her handmaiden, she started her trek towards the dining hall and when she arrived, she not only saw Renault but also Ser Marvyn and Lady Stelsa. Upon her entrance, she spoke for one of the servants to go and retrieve her a plate of the breakfast food along with a goblet of ale. From there, she approached Renault and gave him a kiss on the cheek then smiled towards him as she sat down in a chair that adjacent from him and in front Ser Marvyn and beside Lady Stelsa. She turned her gaze towards Lady Stelsa now. [color=#C02B4E][b]"Good morning."[/b][/color] She spoke towards her then turned her attention towards Ser Marvyn with a slight smile. [color=#C02B4E][b]"Morning, Ser Marvyn. How was your morning run? Good as usual, I hope?"[/b][/color] She asked then her gaze went over towards Renault just as a servant came out with her plate of breakfast and goblet as she leaned over and grabbed Renault's hand into hers. [color=#C02B4E][b]"How are you doing this morning, my lord?"[/b][/color] Madeline asked towards him with a bright smile forming among her lips.[/indent][/indent]