Welkins blushed at Reia's words, this time he couldn't hide it. [color=1a7b30]"Well I knew we just met, but I really liked you."[/color] He gulped a little not really sure why he was telling her this. [color=1a7b30]"I really enjoy spending time with you and if I'm honest with you. I have had more fun today than I have in a while. Yeah we just met, but I feel like I can trust you."[/color] This time he finally looked away and blushed beet red. [color=1a7b30]"I also think you're incredably cute."[/color] his voice hardly louder than a whisper. There was a silence and for a minute there he wasn't sure what she was going to say to him. [color=1a7b30]"Well what I was going to ask you."[/color] He changed the subject quickly. [color=1a7b30]"Was if you wanted to. I would really like to show you the stars from the to of my windmill. That's my favorite place."[/color] He looked back at Reia and smiled. He could feel her eyes on the cloth. There was no getting around it. She wanted to know what he was hiding and Welkins wan't great at keeping secrets. Especially not from cute girls. He sighed then came closer to her. [color=1a7b30]"I know you want to know."[/color] He said softly. [color=1a7b30]"Just.. don't freak out."[/color] He took of the cloth covering his eye. When he did his hair fell forward and kept it covered for him. His eye was all scared up and completely ugly. It was frightening to most people and no one ever talked about it. After taking off the cloth he dropped it to the ground and waited, looking at the ground.