Olli smiled at the sight of the Litwick, it was so cute. He admired the flame as it floated round. "What happened to Froakie?" he asked. Olli was reminded of his own good news. "Hey Kjolmar, I'd like you to meet my new buddy" He said with a huge smile on his face. He pulled a pokeball off his belt which he had customised by engraving a crescent, just like the one on Lunar's head onto it. He threw it up and Lunar jumped out, starting to run around Olli's feet. "Kjolmar, this is Lunar. She's an Eevee I caught on the way to Luminose. I feel like i had a connection to her, look at her marking on her head." Meanwhile Chimchar climbed down from Olli's head and started running around with Lunar, Chimchar and Lunar has very similar personalities. Silly and Confusing. Litwick slowly joined in. Olli watched and his mind was amazed at the bonds between pokemon. Having not known each other that long these pokemon were playing as if they were friends all of thier lifes. He turned to Kjolmar. "Isn't that cool? They way they bond like that? I hope thats the way pokemon see other trainers who help each other out."