[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/TDfSLlv.jpg[/img][/center] [h1]Guillan - Royal Complex: Dungeons, Early Morning[/h1] [h2]Lautrec[/h2] [indent] The big man just kept barking for a while, be as time went on Lautrec was less and less concerned. He was exuding an air of confidence as he was finishing his [i]meal[/i], making sure to leave some of it. Seems the old coot have had enough and finally starting to calm down and talked some more with the shorty in the other cell. Lautrec knew it was his wards at hand, making it extra effective in Justin’s direction. It was just like facing down dogs, had to be confident and not flinch to show that they were no threat to you. Then, there was the hope of them believing the bluff, but that was a whole different story.[/indent] [indent] He scraped what remained of the grub into his hand and attempted to throw it over his shoulder behind him, as was proper, but the white mass disagreed. It stuck to his hand for dear life, and as he tried to rid of it with his other hand it just stuck to it instead. And he had eaten this? He knew he had to have an edge over these people, and since it looked like they weren’t eating their own portions, he was going to make sure to have the extra energy to burn. Now, he was starting to question the wisdom of that decision.[/indent] [indent] As he finally got the blasted thing off from his hands and onto the floor next to him, just barely missing the edge of his meticulously drawn patterns, the woman from the next cell spoke to him, signifying that she was to be his next tribulation he’d have to surpass. He turned his torso and head slightly toward her, as he started making different hand signs in thieves’ Cant.[/indent] [hider=Cant: Easy][color=gold]{...You. like. know. yes?..You. name. first. before. me...}[/color][/hider] [indent] It wasn’t the most sophisticated language, meant for simplicity and getting the point across instead of long debates with flowery words and endless meanings, but it worked well enough. If she knew the Cant, she’d understand. If not, well… That might pose some problems. Still, he didn’t want to give away his name without an exchange, so he’d force her to reveal hers first, as was customary. The power of a name was immense, after all.[/indent]