[quote=@Cyndyr] Title is self-explanatory, but I want to expand this question a little further. Right now, I'm trying to procrastinate on editing an essay and how the Guild socializes has always been particularly interesting to me anyway. So, denizens of the Guild, which section(s) would you say that you are most likely to Roleplay within and why? Do you feel that you are "welcomed" as a "member" within this section and/or sections? Would you feel comfortable writing in the other sections? Why or why not? [/quote] Casual and Advanced. Casual is where I started and it has always been a section that allows you to join without too much difficulty, and with little requirement. Advanced on the otherhand is slower and longer in post length, which I like, but tends to have a lower success rate in commitment. Most advanced RPs I joined die die to inactivity; most casuals seem to die from lack of direction or inexperience. May not be in all cases but that's the trend I experienced. In those sections I feel welcomed and haven't had too many problems. Few RPs I felt like I was ignored and a few members burned me by removing work I added to collabs or pushing me out of the RP by not acknowledging my character, but on the whole I'm happy. Tabletop, free, arena, and NRP are sections I don't join. Tabletop doesn't really interest me, free is too basic and feels unrewarding, arena feels like it's too set on the fight while I'm more interested in writing the character experienced, and NRPs just have a different writing style where I feel I don't get the right character interaction. There's nothing against these sections but they're not for [i]me[/i].