When Brooklyn arrived back inside, her would-be mother in law was soothing Sam. She leaned on the doorway as Mrs. Hanson explained how she called Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones parents yesterday. That intruiged Brooklyn, although also struck her with a pang of guilt. Her parents had always been talkative, lively people.... but now, with their daughter dead, they were probably different. For all Brooklyn knew, they could be hunched over the bed in her old bedroom sobbing their hearts out. Brooklyn wanted to go to them. Sourly, Sam exited the room as he mumbled an excuse about feeding Louis. Mrs. Hanson opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again right after. There was no confronting Sam as long as he was in this state. She looked down at her fingernails and lingered a moment before heading out to Sam. Brooklyn followed. True to his word, Sam was found feeding Louis. Brooklyn lovingly cradled her son's cheek before Mrs. Hanson stated that she would call Brooklyn's parents and ask them to visit. The young woman's head shot up, her eyes filled with worry and delight. The worry was for seeing how distressed her parents may be. There was no question that the death of their daughter impacted them. The delight was for simply seeing her parents again. They didn't get the chance to come around as often as Mrs. Hanson did because they lived farther away. Seeing them was always a treat. Sam left to go get ready for the day. Honestly, Brooklyn had hardly noticed how messy he had become through not showering and not changing clothes. She had been far too focused on his emotions. Sam would always be Sam, even if he didn't shave for three months and decided to get a septum piercing. Nothing in the world could physically impact Sam enough to make Brooklyn turn away from him forever. [center][i]~ Valentine's Day: 9th grade. Brooklyn paraded down the hallway with a heart-shaped card in her hand. Written in the card was a handwritten confession of Brooklyn's feelings toward her crush: Samuel Hanson. Ella strolled beside her with a bounce in her step. It had been her idea for Brooklyn to finally confess to Sam. Ella had been there since the beginning; having been at the same birthday party that Sam and Brooklyn met at five years ago. The time had flown by. Brooklyn stopped in front of Sam's locker. Looking around hesitantly, she really didn't want to be seen by anyone while she was doing this. In early high school, nothing was more embarrassing than having pure emotions. "I don't know if I can do this," Brooklyn confessed nervously. Her hands fidgeted with the homemade card. "There's no way Sam could like me back. He's so... amazing. He's perfect. He's everything I'm not. Have you [b]heard[/b] him okay the guitar?" Ella shook her head. "You're the only one he's played the guitar for! Trust me when I say he likes you back. I've seen the way he looks at you. And don't talk about yourself like that! You're amazing, Brooklyn. Any guy would be lucky to have you." Biting her lip, Brooklyn nodded in acknowledgement of her friend's words before cautiously sliding the card into Sam's locker. Then she blushed deeply and scurried away, hand in hand with her best friend. The note read: Sam, Ever since we first met, we've clicked. I can crack funny jokes with you, pass you pointless notes in class, and ride around on your back. But I can also rely on you for anything, trust you with my deepest secrets, and be comforted by your presence the way I am by no one else's. You make me happy, Samuel Hanson. You're strong, you're handsome, you're smart, you're [b]perfect[/b]. I love you. I hope this note doesn't end things between us. You don't have to like me back, I'll completely understand. At the very least, just have a great Valentine's Day, okay? Your happiness makes me happy. - [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjMyLmY4ZjdmNy5Rbkp2YjJ0c2VXNCwuMAAA/glam-queen.regular.png[/img] ~ [/i][/center] Only a couple minutes after Mrs. Hanson went to go fetch Sam, the front door opened. Brooklyn's parents entered. Brooklyn had heard the door open and walked over to them. The last time they were here, they had been staying as their house got remodeled. Now, they were visiting as their daughter's corpse lay elsewhere. The somber expression on their faces was striking. Yet there was still [i]hope[/i] beneath their eyes. Hope for a better future. Hope that their daughter had gone to Heaven. Hope that the man their daughter loved most would be able to move on someday. Mrs. Autumn Jones had bobbed brown hair that looked freshly washed but uncombed. Her blue eyes bore the aforementioned hope, yet still appeared quite tired. Her husband's hair was considerably gray and there was evidence of scratch lines on his face. Similar to how Sam was devastated that he couldn't save his fiancé, Mr. Rick Jones was devastated that he couldn't save his baby girl. Brooklyn bit her lip. He must have been clawing at his face in the midst of his distress. The grieving couple walked over to the living room. Laying down in his crib was Louis. Mr. Jones lovingly picked up the young boy and walked over to sit on the couch. His wife remained standing as she called out, "Hello, Sam or Patty, are you home?"