[b]Designation: Vivian Everett Location: Sammie's 2257-35ul Time: Around 9 pm[/b] A cool gaze swept the hall, a drink that was some shade of brown resting in the hand of the girl who sat near the back with feet kicked up onto one of the tables. She was proud of those feet, being the main instrument through which she held her current career. She was less proud of the drink, but it distracted from the occasional twinge of artificial muscles that plagued her these days. The damn things couldn't be perfect, but she had come to accept it. So long as they didn't let her down when she needed them. Vivian Everett wouldn't consider herself a regular at this particular establishment but she'd been in similar ones before. They all generally were the same so she had adapted quickly and procured herself something to drink and skipped the food. It was practically like home already. Of course she was here because she wasn't at home, waiting for a job in a very metaphorical sense. You never knew when your schedule would pick up ads a Runner so she tried to work around it as best she could. For now she was free to sip her drink and relax. Her Brainpal would keep an eye on things and make sure that she got any messages for job offers that might pop up, and make sure that she was sober enough to read them. Well, assuming it was a job that she wanted to be sober for. Some went a bit better when you had a bit of a buzz to really get your brain cells going. Stopped you from second guessing the stupidly reckless thing you were about to do. Of course, the designer kit on the table with her feet was pretty impressive too. She'd had them outfitted with grav thrusters to prolong her jumps and keep her from breaking her legs on a fall. It didn't entirely eliminate the risk but it helped her do feats she couldn't otherwise, and the danger was part of the point. Why do the job if you were just going to be safe and boring about it? Idly she checked the feed for the sports teams she was betting on while sipping her drink. She had bets riding on those, and for the moment there didn't seem to be anything happening here. Soon enough something would come her way, so she might as well get in what she could while she had the free time. "Could be a worse night," she mused aloud to herself. Now if only she could weedle some of the good brew out of Mavis rather than this thrown together stuff, and it would be complete