See, my original thought, Geoffrey was "Somebody in command screwed up. they should have sealed off the first few levels of several buildings, and put riflemen in every window, while forward observers called in incendiary/white phosphorous artillery/cannon strikes to set the infected and spores on fire... or be coordinating napalm/thermite plasma drops down the streets." -- Bad command decisions happen for one reason or another. But if the situation had already spun out of control, they probably should have just sanitized the city with neutrino waves (if they could do them) or other means and been done with it. Where is Patient Zero, and how did they become infected? - I'd love to not only play the current scenario out, but also run another related situation where a different team is trying to find out what really happened, and so on. Also, how far would the spores be carried on the wind? How long until they started another infection/infestation somewhere else? Any killed high up on high rise buildings might send their spores far... ... sorry I keep thinking of stuff. This could all turn out to be really good stuff.