[i]Bean Sidhes[/i] Maeve stopped dancing next to Luciana as she saw the Ante Mortem walking out of the elevator, urgency in their step. Maeve cursed, feeling her stomach drop. Those two were [i]never[/i] urgent about [i]anything[/i]. [color=ed1c24]"We need to go."[/color] She hissed urgently at Luciana, grabbing the other woman by the arm and tugging her along to the rest of the group, ignoring her protests. They made it too the group right as the Ante Mortem did. Kiara, having quietly been enjoying her wine and scanning the club with her shadows while the others tried to help Cade, looked up in surprise. [color=598527]"Oh jesus christ."[/color] She groaned, hopping off the stool. It didn't matter if she trusted that the Ante Mortem had killed the management or not (she wouldn't have put it past them at all), what mattered now was that they were all stuck with them, or they would all be killed. She automatically reached for her weapons, then cursed as she realized that they weren't on her. They were in Ouros. All they were supposed to have done was do a simple retrieval mission. Now it had all gone to hell. Maeve was swearing up a storm, alternating between English and Irish. She glared over at the Ante Mortem. [color=ed1c24]"I [i]knew[/i] this mission was gonna go to shit. It [i]always[/i] does when we start on that fucking ship and you two are involved."[/color] The Bean Sidhes largely ignored Angel's shpeel about what was going on and what they needed to do. They had all heard it before, and knew what the situation was going to be. The mission needed to be completed, regardless of the fact that AMRO was going to kill them even if they got it done. Maeve rolled her shoulders, cracking her knuckles as she did so. [color=ed1c24]"Of course a Chrono will come for us. Gods fucking damn it."[/color] Kiara and Maeve looked over at each other as the orbs were stopped in their dome. [color=ed1c24]"Overdrive?"[/color] [color=598527]"It's the only way I see us leaving here alive."[/color] Maeve bared her teeth in a fierce grin. [color=ed1c24]"Alright then. Lets go. We'll take care of this batch."[/color] She called over her shoulder at the group, hands already moving in a specific way. [color=ed1c24]"Depending on how taxing this is you might have to take care of anymore that might show up."[/color] Kiara drew a sigil on the ground, and Maeve stepped over it, hands moving faster. A foul wind began spinning in a circle around the two Banshees, shadows flickering in it. Maeve's eyes glowed emerald. [color=ed1c24]"An t-ardĂș marbh."[/color] Pieces of bones began to gather in the wind, forming into humanoid shapes. [color=598527]"And the shadows thicken."[/color] Kiara's eyes glowed a bright white, blinding to look upon. Shadows leaped into the vortex, from every possible direction, blocking everything inside from sight in their thick, cloying shapes. Shrieks and screams echoed from the vortex, hands of bone, the fingers ending in claws, reached from the shadows and beckoned with a ghostly scream. Maeve and Kiara sent it forward with one phrase simultaneously spoken. [color=ed1c24]"Dark[/color] [color=598527]Harvest."[/color] The shrieking vortex of shadows raced forward, enveloping the alchemists arrayed against them. The bones that occasionally appeared were covered in blood, and the screams became more than just unearthly shrieks. Maeve and Kiara collapsed on the ground, panting. They sat back to back, exhaustion written over their faces. [color=ed1c24]"Think that got them?"[/color] [color=598527]God I hope so. We won't be able to do another one of those.[/color]