[Hider=House of Lords] [img] https://pm1.narvii.com/5969/a3cc0e4eeb6fbb3d5e16dc4f7f56d7154bbfbef6_hq.jpg [/img] Do you wish to mingle with the uppercrust of the uppercrust? Well tie a string around your finger and pray that a yet to be heard from rich uncle dies leaving you his untold billions. A perhaps apocryphal city myth states engraved on the cornerstone of the House of Lords is the following phrase, “If you have to ask the price of our apartments…you certainly can’t afford them”. While, it the authenticity of the aforementioned quotation is questionable the sentiment is at least rings true as the last apartment sold cost the buyer (a Saudi royal) around $82 Million. One of the largest buildings in the city standing at 55 stories tall this behemoth of a building towers over even the other luxury apartment buildings in Riverside. Needless to say security is impeccable rivaling that of the armies of some small nation states and it is not uncommon to see stern faced guards armed with automatic weapons patrolling the premises. Rumor has it that even the old gray haired doorman is a black belt in some form of martial arts. So would be rabble rousers beware you are not getting in the House of Lords without an express invitation from some the building esteemed tenants. It is in this building where the tabloid infamous [i]Perfect Posse[/i] reside squandering away their fortunes on all the lavish vices money can buy. [/hider] Another location. Will have a post up tonight.