[@The Irish Tree] [color=39b54a][i][b] Maria Falena[/b][/i][/color] Maria quickly grabbing the rope knowing that since the woman was not her enemy it would be safe to go with her, Taking the rope in her hand being lead away towards Nephele's home. Once there the mothwoman was looking around at the treasure carefully moving so not to hurt herself stepping on the treasure. "Thank you very much, That is very nice of you" Maria said making her way towards the table, Taking a seat on one of the chairs her hands on the table shyly looking down at her hands. Looking at the plentiful food one of her hands going down to rub her stomach, She did not have any breakfast so she was quite hungry. "Well us Lepidoptera eat mostly leaves, fruit and sometimes nuts" She said smiling softly putting her hand back on the table. "So ummm can you tell me what i can do for you?" She asked wanting to know what the other woman was going to tell her about the quest.