[color=yellow]"A new set of armor?"[/color] Sunny's eyes widened, and she quickly scanned the forest; as the morning sun rose and warmed the woods, the fog was just starting to thin and dissipate, exposing the twisting trunks and dangling bright leaves, a depth of forest filled with odd fruits and spiky, neon-green vines. There didn't seem to be much hope of finding a shiny new set of armor simply lying around. In her search, Sunny's eyes landed on Laphi, who seemed to be frightened of the great forest-guardian that stood in their path -- he was all but cowering beside her, smaller than he had been a few moments ago. A slow grin grew on her face as an idea dawned. [color=yellow]"We accept!"[/color] she announced, and gave the forest-guardian a deep bow. [color=yellow]"But we won't be walking in circles for days searching."[/color] Especially with the slow way this iron guardian seemed to be moving, Sunny suspected that the entire point of the challenge was to delay them for an eternity. But they had a secret weapon. Sunny flashed a cunning smirk and rubbed a hand in Laphi's hair. [color=yellow]"So how 'bout it? Think you can point us to where we can find a shiny new set of armor?"[/color]