[quote=@Sirkaithethird] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] Pvt. Peters gazed at the odd man, He had been in he field for the last month or so with little to eat but rations, "Yes please sir, and may I ask where I am?" [/quote] He poured a little thought into his minions tiny minds and the rats left on the floor scattered and moved out to search for the kitchen. In the meantime he handed the soldier the cheese platter with the hopes that it would tied him over til then. "Ta explain dat I'd have to lay some pretty heavy concepts of magic on ya. To keep it all simple like, ya been spirited away from where ya were to this here room. Rooms like dis, they do dat, bring together all sorts of people from all sorts of places. Ya actually just missed a fancy party. Perfectly safe, of course. Ya can walk out anytime, or wait till ya get bored and it'll probably send ya back where ya came from. Whoa, boys!" A line of rats was advancing, a silver covered dish balanced on their back. Steam escaped from the cracks that opened between the lid and the cover the rats swayed back and forth to keep the thing balanced, releasing the rich smell of a roasted turkey. Rat quickly picked it up before the they spilled it and set it om a table, lifting the cover off with a flourish and whistled. "Dat is some bird. Well, bon appetite sir."