[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xPZoDGJ.jpg[/img] [h2][color=silver]Ferrin Astra[/color][/h2] [/center] Ferrin slumped and sighed. [color=silver]”Nobody understands my genius.”[/color] He raised his head and looked both Patrick and Jamie in the eyes, his expression unusually serious. [color=silver]”Please note that I will acquiesce to the this journey with extreme reluctance. However, at this point I doubt there is much I could do to stop it, and my energies would be better directed at something productive.”[/color] He told them. Then, abruptly, he shifted back to his normal laid back manner. [color=silver]”Now then, I think I will have a word with this Sasha.”[/color] He turned to go, stopped and spun on his heel. [color=silver]”Now which one is...”[/color] He started then trailed off. A quizzical look crossed his face as he stared out in to the middle distance. He heard, or maybe felt, something odd. [color=silver][i]What was that?[/i][/color] He wondered, [color=silver][i]Did you get that?[/i][/color] He thought directing the thought to the entity. [b][i]I did.[/i][/b] Ferrin tilted his head. [color=silver][i]It sounded like...music maybe, no...a song. But it was not just a physical sound, but a magical one too.[/i][/color] [b][i]It was a the cry of a soul. Your mind chose to interpret it as music.[/i][/b] [color=silver][i]It was similar to that feeling during the Grand Magic Games.[/i][/color] Ferrin mused. [b][i]Similar indeed, but wholly unrelated. This one was...more local.[/i][/b] [color=silver][i]What was it, then?[/i][/color] There was a long moment of silence. Ferrin nearly gave up on getting an answer, but then: [b][i]A Phoenix.[/i][/b] The being broke contact. Ferrin wrinkled his nose in thought. A phoenix? A legendary creature, even rarer then dragons. They were said to have all kinds of powers, most more myth then fact. Now why would there be a phoenix near the guild hall? Pheonix Wing it may be, Ferrin highly doubted that Jamie kept such a creature in her backyard. Ferrin realized his mouth was hanging open and he closed it with a click. [color=silver]”Jamie, darling,”[/color] He said slowly, refocusing on her. [color=silver]”You would not happen to have exotic pets like, say, a phoenix, for example?”[/color] The question was made half in jest. Still, he did wonder what that magic was. [@Caits] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/z1Ti1LK.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=0076a3]Colt[/color] and [color=red]Claire[/color][/h2][/center] [color=0076a3]”Other half?”[/color] Colt exclaimed, incredulously. He heard his sister laughing in thier mind. [color=0076a3]”N-no, when uh...our eye color turns red.”[/color] He said awkwardly as he waved at their face, still unsure how to explain their condition to people. [color=0076a3]That’s my sister, Claire, see we...uh share this body...yeah so there are two people in here. Claire uh...say hi?”[/color] [color=Red]”Fuck you.”[/color] Colt sighed. [color=0076a3]”That’s Clairelish for hi. My name is Colt its uh me in control when you see blue eyes...its.[/color] He fumbled for words, then sighed again.[color=0076a3]”...complicated.”[/color] He deliberately ignored the wink. Colt let out a short laugh when she brought up magic. [color=0076a3]“I wish fire was all my sister had. My life would be a lot easier. As for me,”[/color] He held out a hand in demonstration. [color=0076a3]“My magic is... a bit different. Its more than just ice.”[/color] His hand glowed and the temperature in the area plummeted several degrees. [color=0076a3]”Its Cold magic, I call it Glacier Magic. However, it does encompass ice as well. Claire’s—“[/color] Red eyes lit up. [color=red]“Lemme demonstrate lemme demonstrate![/color] [color=0076a3]No. “[/color] Colt said, exasperated. [color=0076a3]Restraint is not one of your qualities. I don’t need you burning down a city, again.[/color][color=Red]”It was one time, and I hardly burned the whole place down, just a few buildings. Buildings, might I add, that were abandoned and due for demolition anyway. I simply hurried the process.”[/color] [color=0076a3]”Right.”[/color] [color=Red]”’Right?!’ What’s that ‘posed to mean?”[/color] [color=0076a3]”I am agreeing with you.”[/color] Colt said blithely. Claire mentaly blinked and stared suspiciously at her brother, who nonchalantly shugged. [color=Red]”Well as long as you agree.”[/color] She grumbled. Colt jolted and glanced at Elane, as if surprised to see her. [color=0076a3]”Oh right, sorry, where was I? Magic. My pyromaniacal sister’s magic is a lot more then mear fire magic. She holds a magic passed down through our family for generations. A powerful magic of creation, combining earth and fire. Lava Maker Magic. And I have never heard the end of it.”[/color] [color=red]”You’re just jealous that [i]I[/i] in herited our family’s magic.”[/color] Claire said smugly. [color=0076a3]”I’m still stronger.”[/color] [color=Red]”S-shut up!”[/color] [color=0076a3]”Anyway, I’m not sure what secret you mean miss...[/color] It was then Colt realized that hadn’t gotten her name. [color=0076a3]”Uh, Miss. Who’s Perry?”[/color] [@PandaBrady]