[@Drakey] [center] https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oIuDuz26tOY [img]https://i1.wp.com/abangjoeblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/eerie_by_thephoenixdark-d5t1x4g.png?resize=825%2C510[/img] [h1] A M E M O R Y [/h1] [i]It was something you wanted to cherish, to keep sacred in the confines of your very mind, but alas, everything feels...clouded. In the days of yore, you had a purpose, a goal set in mind. What was that, you wonder. You try to seek that goal again, but sadly, it is gone from you. Like the flickering wings of a moth, you try to catch it, but it always eludes you. The path forward now is ripe with uncertainty, as you find yourself face down in the muck and mire of a fate most unfortunate to have befallen you. Now you must ask yourself, newly dead, dost thou tarry forth to reclaim that which you once knew?[/i][/center]