[CENTER][h1][color=4D8EB6][b]Supergirl[/b][/color][/h1][color=gray]The Girl of Tommorrow[/color][hr] [sup][img]https://i.imgur.com/bqPkIAH.png[/img] [/sup][h3][sup][sup][color=gray]kara-el // linda lang [color=4D8EB6]♦[/color] twenty-three [color=4D8EB6]♦[/color] female [color=4D8EB6]♦[/color] hero[/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][quote][color=4D8EB6][i][b]“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.”[/b][/i][/color][/quote] [/CENTER] [COLOR=4D8EB6][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C O N C E P T A B S T R A C T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]I’ve wanted to work out the Supergirl stories I have had in my head for a few years now, but either I’m the unluckiest asshole around or I’ve just had bad timing. Whichever the case may be, I think this could be the best option to start her off without stepping on any of the toes of the prospective Superman player because at the end of the day Kara-El is one of my favorite characters in comic books. In this version of Supergirl, I’ve looked back at my unfinished concepts from previous roleplays and transplanted them to a world that would probably make an interesting foil to the strong-willed, independent, and pragmatic interpretation of Kara’s character. In terms of backstory, the only thing that is different from the typical interpretation of Kara in her origins is that things happened a lot sooner than her sixteenth birthday. When Krypton was destroyed and Kara was launched into space, the blonde-haired Kryptonian was barely twelve years old - and that is how her cousin, Kal-El, found her. A year later, in her freshman year of high school, Kara donned the cape for the first time and ever since she’s attempted to live up to the incredible standard created by her cousin and her peers in the superhero community. However, Kara is not a person that explicitly needs to hide who she is and ever since an incident in high school where she came dangerously close to being exposed. She’s since abandoned the concept of a dual identity and chooses instead to take time away from her civilian identity and focus fully on operating as Supergirl. This is not to say Linda Lang no longer exists, but after finishing up her time at university and endangering people close to her she isn’t quite sure how to cope. There will likely be things that will be need to ironed out between a prospective Superman player, but I don’t need to considering Kara can operate independent of Metropolis and even Earth. Kara can be as effective defending Earth from Intergang as she is in being trapped in Mongul’s colosseum or working with the Guardians of the Galaxy when they run into traces of BRAINIAC. Kara is by far my most diverse option for collaboration and she can be anywhere she needs to be at a given time. With that said, I’d like to reflect on Kara’s journey and show a weariness and hidden turmoil that is making things far more complicated than Kara wants to admit. Maybe she’ll trade blows with Galatea, or perhaps she’ll work with Kid Flash on a Titans operation. Who knows? Let’s make something happen.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=4D8EB6][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Kara first donned the cape when she was twelve years old, and ever since she has done the best. It has earned her enemies, allies, and rivals. If you’ve talked with me before you know that Kara-El is my favorite superhero and I have a very distinct vision for her characterization and cast of supporting characters.[/i] [hider=Supporting Cast][hr][b]ALLIES[/b][hr] [b]James “Jimmy” Olsen:[/b] Daily Planet’s rising star, James Olsen is one of Kara’s closest friends (and former love interests) who currently works as a photojournalist and blogger for Metropolis’s largest news publication. He’s two years older than Kara, and has had strong ties with Superman since he was a teenaged intern working under Lois Lane. [b]Nasthalthia Luthor:[/b] Nasthalthia is Kara’s oldest and truest friend. She’s also her former girlfriend, nemesis, and rival. Suffice to say, Nasthalthia and Kara have a complicated relationship and the tension between the two is much worse now the two have spent time apart. Nasthalthia’s connection to her uncle, Lex Luthor, has always complicated things. Nasthalthia thinks humans need to be stronger than metahumans, aliens, and other “extranormals” believing strongly in her uncle’s belief of creating the ideal future she has always dreamed of. She is the only person outside of the superhero community that knows Linda Lang is Supergirl. [b]David Corporon:[/b] Former Police Commissioner of Metropolis and now Governor of Delaware; Corporon is a staunch supporter of Superman’s ideals and actions in and out of the United States. William Henderson replaced him as Police Commissioner. It is speculated Corporon will have a bid in the next Presidential Election as a Democratic Candidate. [hr][b]ENEMIES[/b][hr]It's complicated, trust me. And long. [/hider] [/indent][/indent]